Weight at surgery: 234 pounds
Current weight: 220 pounds
So I've hit a plateau this week. I weigh exactly what I did last Saturday. And that really makes me sad because this week I followed my plan to a T! I ate how I was supposed to each day, worked out at bootcamp 2 days and walked for my third workout…. But I'm hoping that maybe my body is just going through an adjustment week.
I did have one fabulous NSV this week…. I did my measurements and the results are: TEN inches lost since surgery!! That was shocking to me and very encouraging. It worked out very well to have measured on a plateau week because it meant I still had something to celebrate.
I have a fill appointment tomorrow. I'm hoping to get to talk over how I'm doing and see what we can do about getting the scale moving again.
I do have a question for y'all out there in the blog-o-sphere. I know each of our surgeons have a different plan and method for their weight-loss patients but I'm curious: What are your goals for calories and protein each day while in your weight loss stage (I'm also curious about maintenance for any of you in that phase feel free to give me details on both)? Are protein supplements like Unjury okay or are they a no-no (as in are you only supposed to get your protein from meat, etc)? Are you limited on your carb intake? How much water is your goal each day? Feel free to throw in any other details. I'm just curious since I've read so many different plans out there. My surgeon recommends 1200 calories per day for women and at least 40-50 grams of protein. Unjury is totally ok with my surgeon and dietician and I shoot for three 32-ounce bottles of water a day and usually hit about 2.5.
Thanks for reading and thank you for your comments. Can't wait to here from y'all!