My Weight Loss Ticker

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Saturday, October 26, 2013

Weigh-in and Update

Hello blogosphere! Today was weigh-in day and the results are:
Starting Weight: 240
Weight at Surgery: 234
Current Weight: 221
Weight loss (2 weeks): 2 pounds since my last weigh in and 19 pounds overall!

So let me update you all as to what's gone on my last couple of weeks. First off, I got my second fill 8 days ago and it has made some drastic changes already. I went from 3 ccs to 4.5 ccs. It made a big difference especially for the first few days on the amount I could take in. I went from being able to eat 1.5-2 cups to being able to eat about 1 cup. The first few days after my fill I could only eat between 1/4 and 1/2 a cup but that has changed over the last few days and is back up to around 3/4 to 1 cup depending on what I'm eating. I have a feeling the original awesome restriction I had was more to do with some swelling around the stoma from the tightening of the band just because it wasn't used to the band being so tight and after a few days that went down leaving some extra room.

I know I should have lost way more weight than 19 pounds at this point over a month and a half after surgery. I truly have had a bit of a relapse back into my old ways little by little over the last 2 weeks. I don't mean eating until I literally feel like I could explode like I used to; more like eating the wrong things. For example, I have reverted to some mushies like Chili's cheese fries and the like. I think I truly have experienced a little of the post surgery depression we were warned about because I am a food addict and the band changes how you eat, what you eat, and literally your entire mind-set and way of life. Before surgery, food was my comfort, my reward, what I did when I was bored or sad or even happy. I guess over the last two weeks I've been feeling some of the depression because I don't have the option to use food as my comfort. So this last week I fell off the band wagon a bit and instead of feeling better, I actually felt worse. I thought it would make me feel better to have some mushies and not be so concerned about all the protein and calories and all that... boy was I WRONG. Not only have I felt more tired and sluggish, I've actually not felt the happiness I thought I would from eating whatever I felt like. In addition to not feeling fabulous, I had some serious gas! Overeating (even just a little) and eating the wrong foods causes lots of pressure to build up and let me tell you what: It is SO NOT WORTH IT!!! So I learned a lot about myself this week. The biggest lesson I learned was that I'm a food addict and I have got to work on learning self control and discipline. I also learned I've got to do more for myself. I took a huge step and got a lap band to change my life for my health, so now its time to actually take the steps I need to so that I can make this tool work for me. My lap band doesn't do the calorie and protein counting for me; it can't help me monitor and measure my portions; it can't make me get up and exercise. I on the other hand CAN!

Here's my plan for the next phase of my journey. I've decided to get myself back in check and back to the basics of counting, measuring, and tracking everything!! I will be successful in getting my health back. I also have decided to start bootcamp! I'm going to be doing the beginners bootcamp class at McClure Fitness twice a week. This is a huge step for me. It's also going to be a big test for me. In the past I've been known to join a class or gym or running app or whatever, be really into it for a week or so and then start making all kinds of excuses as to why I can't go. It starts with missing one class and the next time I turn around, I've dropped out completely.... So I'm blogging about this to have some accountability. I also plan to post some "after-workout" pics so you all can be my witnesses to me truly sticking to it. The class doesn't start until November 12th so be looking for my blog posts after that for updates on how its going.

So now back to how the band itself is doing. After this second fill, I've started to understand what lots of banded folks were talking about when they'd describe their band experiences. First off, I read several people who found they were more restricted in the mornings. Well I totally understand what they were talking about. I find that I am much more restricted early in the day versus later. I also can't believe how much I didn't chew my food before being banded. I always just bolted my food down and stuffed myself silly. Now I'm working hard to slow way down and chew until the food is literally like applesauce. I will say, its a new world for me to actually enjoy the food I'm eating. Its a hard lesson to learn and its another of my goals to keep working on in the next few weeks.

That's really all I have for y'all right now. I wish it was me telling you how amazing everything is going and how the weight is just falling off.... But my lessons and struggles just reinforce the fact that a lap band is not a magic bullet and does not do the work for you. The lap band is a tool and a teacher. It requires a lot of work! I love my lap band and I'm ready for it to teach me.

Thanks for reading and being my accountability!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Weigh in day...... And the results are.....

Grand total of 17 pounds lost!!!
Starting weight: 240 lbs
Weight at surgery (which is where the ticker above started tabulating): 234 lbs
Current weight: 223lbs!!!

So I'm writing this blog from the airport in Chicago on my way to a wedding for two of my dear friends in Indiana. So not only do I get to celebrate with them, I also get to spend the weekend with Judd so it's a super awesome time.

I told you guys I'm loving the restriction my fill is giving me the other day...I still am but I know this first fill wasn't enough! I get hungry before the next meal when I eat the right portion sizes of approximately 1/4 cup so my portions have been more like 1/2-3/4 of a cup for now. Of course I can't be upset because obviously it's working but I'm sure the success won't last without another fill to get me comfortably in the elusive green zone!

I did have several NSV's (Non-Scale Victories) this week when trying on dresses to wear to this wedding. It's so nice to have lots of options that look and feel much better than they did 17 pounds ago!

Y'all enjoy your weekend and thanks for your support and for reading my ramblings!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Sorry it's been a while!

So first off, let me apologize to y'all for taking so long to update my blog! I started a new rotation this week after being off for the month of September, so I've been super busy trying to get back into the groove of school.

The last two weeks have been awesome but I could tell my stomach has healed and had very little restriction! I actually gained a couple of pounds because I literally was hungry all the time and mushies are really not low calorie!! It also didn't help at all that my fabulous fiancé came home last weekend. When he comes home, we go out a lot with family and friends... this means dinners, coffees, etc and with my ravenousness, well lets just say there were lots more calories than normal consumed. We had a blast Calling the Hogs in Fayetteville last weekend, even with the at times torrential rain! Here's a picture of us!

We were quite wet but Hog fans are not fair weather fans and this time we meant that literally! We didn't win the game but the Razorbacks played their hearts out and Judd and I couldn't have had a better time. 

So this week I started my fourth of nine rotations that make up my last year of pharmacy school. I am loving this rotation; it has me on my feet all day, every day which is my kind of work. I stay busy and the days just fly by, plus I'm learning so much and getting one step closer to becoming a pharmacist!! 

So that's my social news, now let me tell you how my lap band journey is going... Most recent news............... I got my first fill yesterday!!!!!!! It's amazing how a few milliliters of fluid can change your life!! So yesterday, I didn't have anything to eat before my fill appointment. The fill was really no big deal. My surgeon actually performed the procedure for me which was awesome! He's such wonderful person and I love chatting with him. Anyway, first off he numbed the site with lidocaine which is fabulous since the needle to actually put fluid into the port isn't small. I was literally so excited to finally have some restriction that I can't remember how much fluid he put into the band. I'm pretty sure he said I had 2.5 cc's and he said something about 5 or 3 during the procedure, so I may or may not have 3 or 5 cc's in my band! ;) All I really know and care about is that I finally have some restriction and I'm LOVING IT!!!! Yesterday I had about 3 oz of potato soup for lunch..... That is amazing to me because I got so full. This morning I had my coffee with unflavored unjury and a tablespoonful of caramel drizzle creamer which makes it like a fabulous caramel macchiato--> my absolute favorite! It's just amazing to me that these small amounts fill me up. Lunch was some greek yogurt and for dinner tonight I making my homemade chili. It's a rainy day here so it totally made me think some chili would be called for! 

I feel like I've had a whirlwind of a couple of weeks and tomorrow all the excitement continues because it's my first wedding shower! I don't think I've shared with y'all that Judd and I are getting married in Orlando, FL on December 8, 2013 and we are just so excited. We have been blown away by the wonderful folks around our home town who have wanted to throw us showers even though we are eloping. We just love all these folks so much! 

I guess that's all from my world for now. I'll be updating you all how the next few days go with my newly acquired restriction. Thanks for reading everyone!