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Saturday, October 5, 2013

Sorry it's been a while!

So first off, let me apologize to y'all for taking so long to update my blog! I started a new rotation this week after being off for the month of September, so I've been super busy trying to get back into the groove of school.

The last two weeks have been awesome but I could tell my stomach has healed and had very little restriction! I actually gained a couple of pounds because I literally was hungry all the time and mushies are really not low calorie!! It also didn't help at all that my fabulous fiancé came home last weekend. When he comes home, we go out a lot with family and friends... this means dinners, coffees, etc and with my ravenousness, well lets just say there were lots more calories than normal consumed. We had a blast Calling the Hogs in Fayetteville last weekend, even with the at times torrential rain! Here's a picture of us!

We were quite wet but Hog fans are not fair weather fans and this time we meant that literally! We didn't win the game but the Razorbacks played their hearts out and Judd and I couldn't have had a better time. 

So this week I started my fourth of nine rotations that make up my last year of pharmacy school. I am loving this rotation; it has me on my feet all day, every day which is my kind of work. I stay busy and the days just fly by, plus I'm learning so much and getting one step closer to becoming a pharmacist!! 

So that's my social news, now let me tell you how my lap band journey is going... Most recent news............... I got my first fill yesterday!!!!!!! It's amazing how a few milliliters of fluid can change your life!! So yesterday, I didn't have anything to eat before my fill appointment. The fill was really no big deal. My surgeon actually performed the procedure for me which was awesome! He's such wonderful person and I love chatting with him. Anyway, first off he numbed the site with lidocaine which is fabulous since the needle to actually put fluid into the port isn't small. I was literally so excited to finally have some restriction that I can't remember how much fluid he put into the band. I'm pretty sure he said I had 2.5 cc's and he said something about 5 or 3 during the procedure, so I may or may not have 3 or 5 cc's in my band! ;) All I really know and care about is that I finally have some restriction and I'm LOVING IT!!!! Yesterday I had about 3 oz of potato soup for lunch..... That is amazing to me because I got so full. This morning I had my coffee with unflavored unjury and a tablespoonful of caramel drizzle creamer which makes it like a fabulous caramel macchiato--> my absolute favorite! It's just amazing to me that these small amounts fill me up. Lunch was some greek yogurt and for dinner tonight I making my homemade chili. It's a rainy day here so it totally made me think some chili would be called for! 

I feel like I've had a whirlwind of a couple of weeks and tomorrow all the excitement continues because it's my first wedding shower! I don't think I've shared with y'all that Judd and I are getting married in Orlando, FL on December 8, 2013 and we are just so excited. We have been blown away by the wonderful folks around our home town who have wanted to throw us showers even though we are eloping. We just love all these folks so much! 

I guess that's all from my world for now. I'll be updating you all how the next few days go with my newly acquired restriction. Thanks for reading everyone! 


  1. Wooooo Pig Sooie! Sounds like you are doing great! Congrats on the upcoming nuptials!

  2. Thanks Julie! I've enjoyed reading your blog! I've been following your instagram too; I'm loving it and am totally inspired by lots of your food creations!!!
