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Saturday, September 14, 2013

Hey y'all! This is day 3 post-op and I'm feeling pretty good. I went to my little bro's peewee football game today. This was my first big outing since surgery and we were out for a couple of hours, baby steps. :)  Here's a pic of him just about to tackle the other team! He's in the blue and was just about to sack the kid in the purple!

I live in the south and down here, we love our football. It was also a great day since my Razorbacks won their game today!!! Woooo Pig Sooie!!!!

Anyways, I know lots of banded folks have issues with gas very early on. For those of you who don't know, during the actual surgical procedure, the surgeon fills up the abdomen with gas so he has room to work and can see everything. They try and take out as much as possible when they are done but a lot stays around in the tissues. This gas escapes over time through natural gas escaping methods.... belching and tooting!! So today was a day full of gas! Movement and activity really help to get rid of the gas. So after the game, I seriously thought my head would pop off from all the gas I was burping out! But although it is uncomfortable to burp constantly, its more uncomfortable when the gas just sits in your abdomen and up under your ribs. So passing it is definitely better than it hanging out! So I came home and laid down for a bit to rest after all the movement and gas expelling. I had this sweet little cuddle bug to hangout with. This is one of my 3 weenie dogs, Luci. I have two others: Maggie and Bella. 

Here's me enjoying a fabulous Yasso yogurt bar. These things rock! This flavor is mango, but there are lots of flavors out there. One bar has 80 calories and 6 grams of protein so its the perfect snack to help with a sweet tooth! And of course, if I'm having one, my dogs and my mom's dogs think they should have a bite too. The little orange one looking at me is Daphne and the white one is Emily. The large weenie dog on the arm of the chair is Maggie, the little black and tan is Bella and Luci is the one who is not quite in the picture all the way. Sorry for all the leg showing in the picture... shorts tend to drift up lol! 

So my incisions are healing well, I only really notice the largest one where the port was placed. Its much larger than the others and tends to twinge a bit if I move the wrong way. All in all, the liquid diet hasn't been too bad and I really have no complaints this far after surgery. I will say, I can't wait for another 2 weeks when I can have mushy foods!! How differently I already look at food and my journey is only just beginning! Thanks for reading everyone and I hope you all have a great rest of the weekend.


  1. Woo! I start my liver diet on Monday and surgery on the 30th so I'm right behind you!

  2. Molly, it's a whole new world you are embarking on, one that I'm very new too as well. Stick to it even though it would be sooooo much more fun to eat things you get to chew!! :) Its worth it when its not a shock after being banded! Good luck and keep us posted!
